If you are looking for super excellent location, you may consider buying 10+years home. Because mostly homes were built long time ago took better locations..You can find renovated home and/or do renovation after purchasing. Your aged home surprisingly turns to a new look and it still has established neighborhood. Buying a new construction or buying a mature house are both have it's pros and cons. Follow your lifestyle and compare homes. #if you buy a aged home #trend #new construction is nice #aged house is nice #location matters #school #budget #lifestyle #consult with agent
애틀랜타 부동산 정보 :: 커뮤니티 정보 :: 유용한 절차 정보 :: 정확하고 세심한 일처리 :: 지혜로운 협상 :: 고객께 득이 되는 클로징
애틀랜타 윤 진 부동산 404-519-6611
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